Page name: rats unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-03 07:21:23
Last author: Demon Epona
Owner: *oi!*
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Rats Unite
This wiki is for all the rat lovers out though….you don’t have to have a rat to join….actually you can have any kind of rodent. Anyway come join!

You can make your own badge if you want to…it’s all welcome.

Rat Sayings
“Comparing a domestic rat to a wild rat is like comparing a poodle to a wolf.”
“rats are like potato chips…you can’t have just one.”

If you were on here before sorry but someone had to destroy this wiki so just add yourself again…thanks
[*oi!*]-founder…I have 6 rats and 5 mice at the moment…Lucy, Meitte, Jack, Tucker, Honey and Emo. And I never really named the mice but 2 of them are wild. I caught them in the house.
[Rattie] - woooooooooooo....RATS rule!!...i LOVE them!!<3<3
[over stimulated kittie] - I used to have 16 rats. All white with red eyes. They were pretty...
[bac787] I love my Socrates! 
[Static Lullaby] I use to have 20 rats where I lived before, Then I had 16 here before we gave two away and now I have 14 and we're thinking of breeding them xD
[Calypso22] i love my baby--my rat--Calypso :)
[spongemonkey] sooo many rodents, soooo mannyyy...
[none0000] omg my rat is soo cute and i love her dearly!!
[Arethusa] just caught a mouse in my house!(named it Master P) lol and have had rodents all my life
[Lhung Eruva] I hate how people say they hate rats but I love them
Some great websites to check out about rats -has everything you need to know about rats

pet rat pictures-this is where you can post pics of your rats. We’d love to see them
missed rats-dedicated to all those rats that have past away and are very missed

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2004-06-10 [*oi!*]: yeah mine would just tip it over and then make a bed out of it lol

2004-06-12 [bac787]: Mine would have... but it is kinda attached to the cage.

2004-06-12 [*oi!*]: Candi has to go the vet guys!!!.....her teeth are too big and she can't eat and it's breaking her jaw!!! I feel soo bad that I didnt notice....go check your rats! make sure their teeth aren't too big......

2004-06-12 [Dumpysaurus]: I think I'll post a picture of my Arlie! She's getting old and dirty, and has little scabs on her back. Any tips on bathing/skin care for rats?

2004-06-12 [*oi!*]: candi......DIED!!!

2004-06-12 [jizz]: :o!!! aww, im sooo sorry!!

2004-06-13 [deleted, gone]: oh nikki, im sorry. give me a call

2004-06-13 [bac787]: I'm sorry... In an emergency type situation you can use dog toe-nail clippers to cut your rats teeth. (Rescos) Vets are suggested though...

2004-06-13 [bac787]: If the rat is getting scabs it may mean that it is allergic to something, it has ectoparasites, its cage should be changed more often, or something else. It is not uncommon in male rats (mine had it). You can get shampoo at a small animal vet. (Baby shampoo may work , but you would have to ask a vet or look it up for sure.) If you bathe your rat and don't want your hands scratched up, I would suggest cutting its nails first (If you know how).

2004-06-13 [spongemonkey]: *snuffles* one of my mice just died...

2004-06-13 [deleted, gone]: oh dear bad day for small pets, im sorry

2004-06-13 [deleted, gone]: u have a chinchila? so cool

2004-06-13 [spongemonkey]: must be.

2004-06-13 [bac787]: Wow... Thats not cool... I think one of my rats is sick too... :(

2004-06-13 [deleted, gone]: oh dear! no more!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-13 [spongemonkey]: man, this is evil!!

2004-06-13 [deleted, gone]: definatelly

2004-06-13 [bac787]: Galahad will get over it, he is strong... He did had the same thing when he was younger... It cleared up in a few days.

2004-06-13 [Radac]: I'm sooo sorry about Candi. :'(

2004-06-13 [spongemonkey]: there there *huggles*

2004-06-14 [*oi!*]: I'm alright now but I'm worried about her best friend lucy...she's all alone now in a huge tank....but I still want candi back

2004-06-14 [deleted, gone]: of course, but shes in cheese heaven now! yummy

2004-06-14 [*oi!*]: candi didn't really like cheese...none of my rats really do

2004-06-14 [Dumpysaurus]: Thanks, bac-person. I thought about using baby shampoo, but wasn't 100% sure. I actually have cut her nails before, though to tell the truth I didn't read up on it beforehand. Her nails are waaay too long!

2004-06-14 [Dumpysaurus]: Oh, and condolences to everyone whose rats are having problems. We just had one euthanized because of a brain tumor. Why must they be so susceptable to those?!

2004-06-14 [*oi!*]: i know really......hey if you don't want to have to trim their names you can put a rock or a brick their cage and when they walk on it it'll wear down their nails so their not so long...I've done it works

2004-06-14 [Dumpysaurus]: That's a good idea! Arlie could REALLY use it.

2004-06-14 [bac787]: No prob... just trying to be helpful... (I love my vet class)

2004-06-14 [bac787]: Mine sit still long enough for me to cut theirs... They are good boys :)

2004-06-14 [Dumpysaurus]: Arlie is so friggin' fidgety. The one time I cut her nails, I had to wedge a carrot in the bars so she would be preoccupied. I was so scared I'd hurt her, but I didn't!

2004-06-14 [deleted, gone]: they dont like cheese? well .....more for u then!@ lol     i gave up on cutting my hakpsters, luckily she does so herself

2004-06-14 [spongemonkey]: my mice have never needed to gat they're nails cut. and ndc. you should watch out about having lucy all alone, part of the reason milly died was depression after meryl died, you should move her to a smaller cage if you can and get her out more often, maybe get some new rats or mice or whatever...

2004-06-14 [deleted, gone]: deffinately

2004-06-15 [spongemonkey]: ^____^

2004-06-15 [*oi!*]: oh yeah I know....I had one of my rats die on me that was in the same cage as candi....she was depressed but got over it..then she got sick....I've also been taking her out alot and having her play with my other 2 female rats

2004-06-15 [*oi!*]: of course Jack wants to play too but I wont let him he he he

2004-06-15 [spongemonkey]: thats mean!!

2004-06-15 [*oi!*]: whats mean?

2004-06-15 [spongemonkey]: not letting jack play.

2004-06-15 [Dumpysaurus]: But then there'd be illigitimate rat-babies!

2004-06-15 [spongemonkey]: oh, yes I suppose...

2004-06-15 [*oi!*]: lol yeah I don't want 3 preganent rats and then not have homes for all of them lol

2004-06-15 [*oi!*]: besides Jack as another male rat to play with...he's not alone...oh and 2 of the girls are his family...his mom and his sister and I don't want insest going on in my house lol

2004-06-15 [spongemonkey]: good reson, we always get female rodents for some reson, exept tommy, he's a male

2004-06-16 [bac787]: I have only ever had males... Which seem to make better pets?

2004-06-16 [deleted, gone]: hey nikki, are they COUSINS? lol im going to fl in sept lol

2004-06-16 [*oi!*]: LOL nope worse answer bac787's depends on what you want...something to cuddle with or something to play with...a male rat is more relaxed and females tend to love to explore..but that is not always depends on the rats personality

2004-06-16 [spongemonkey]: Tommy twitchy, just ask [Peregrine] or [Wind fish] but if you get hium to relax he''l trust you with his life, but my mice are really playfull and I dont think I've ever gotten them to relax.

2004-06-16 [*oi!*]: of my male rats...Jack...loves to play but he will relaxe but my other one rarely ever comes out...he's very caustious about everything he does

2004-06-16 [*oi!*]: but all my girls are hyper lol if their out of their cage they will not relaxe

2004-06-16 [spongemonkey]: none of my pets or like that, not just the rodents, well, I suppose Divine is kinda careful...

2004-06-16 [*oi!*]: yeah he's the only one of my pets that do that

2004-06-16 [Dumpysaurus]: The male we had to have euthanized was a couch potato! He would lay belly-up on his wheel.

2004-06-16 [bac787]: He he... ok... Well I think I will stick with my males right now... :)

2004-06-16 [deleted, gone]: ohh i think the heat is getting to my hampster, she dosent look good

2004-06-16 [spongemonkey]: hot is it?

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: around 90, we have no fan nor ac, and its 8:30 as well! i hope it cools down, im sitting by the window and still i cant feel a breeze

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: move her into the shade or like a basement make sure there is no breeze but try and keep her within 65 to 70 degrees

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: ahhhhh o nooooo i dont have ne where that cool!!!!!! : ( oh mannnnn

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: how bad does she look?

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: breathing heavy in corner of her cage

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: is she in the shade?

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: i put her in the basement, do u think its to moist down there? its alot cooler

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: no, it shouldnt be, about how cool is it?

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: i dunno im guessing mid 60's hope the air change wont bug her, but she does have a ton of bedding if she gets cool

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: okay, if she doesnt improve, put some ice water in her bowl/bottle

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: that wont b 2 cold?

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: only if its only like 4 degrees above what it should be, is she getting better?

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: seems to be a bit

2004-06-17 [bac787]: good... poor baby

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: i know i felt so bad for Resses

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: thats good.

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: yeah

2004-06-17 [bac787]: I put a new pic up... he he

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: I'l have to go check it out... I'M NEVER SLEEPING NEXT TO TOMMY IN NEW MOON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-17 [Koddy]: I love rats they r sooooooo cute

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: are'nt they just?

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: oh dear........a TOM!!! LOL whos he?

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: me, [Peregrine] and [Wind fish]s chinchilla, he kept me up all night, half of it for me feeling bad for him, the other half me trying to catch him!!

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: o noooo what happend??

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: he was getting REALLY restless, he was crying and shaking the bars REALLY hard and truing to chew thru the bars, so I begain to felt bad when he would run around the room and hes really, really fast.

2004-06-17 [deleted, gone]: oh poor thing is he lonelly?

2004-06-17 [spongemonkey]: no, he's asleep right now, but he gets bored during the night, and that makes me worry about his health, that can be bad for animals right?

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: yes, does he have toys in his cage?

2004-06-18 [spongemonkey]: lots, but he has a short attention span.

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: that sux

2004-06-18 [spongemonkey]: it really does. trying to entertain him is hard.

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: mmm i have same prob wit my animals

2004-06-18 [spongemonkey]: its evil isnt it.

2004-06-18 [bac787]: note to self... no chinchilla...

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: why?

2004-06-18 [*oi!*]: bac that picture is so cute

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: awwwww very scweet!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-18 [*oi!*]: laura how come you didn't come tonight?

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: didnt have a ride

2004-06-18 [*oi!*]: oh okay

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: yeah sux!!!

2004-06-18 [*oi!*]: you need to get your liscense girl! lol

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: yeah i sure do!!!

2004-06-18 [bac787]: Thanks! I love my baby... He seems to be feeling much better!

2004-06-18 [deleted, gone]: yeahy!!!

2004-06-19 [bac787]: I love the new pic!... She looks like you caught her doing something bad...:)

2004-06-20 [*oi!*]: lol yeah

2004-06-21 [*oi!*]: he he I get to take care of 3 more rats and a puppy for a week...their Nalanis [Cuddle Junkie]'s

2004-06-21 [deleted, gone]: yeahy!!! vica! they r gunna win!!! ndc we grad TOMARROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-21 [spongemonkey]: why no chinchilla?!?! they are sooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!

2004-06-22 [bac787]: They are loud at night... so I have been told...

2004-06-23 [*oi!*]: theres a chinchilla and 2 rats at a animal shelter over here....they were rescued from a house that had over 30 animals in it and the owners only came like once a day to feed them...they didn't get any attention

2004-06-23 [bac787]: Aww... Poor things... I would take them if I could. :(

2004-06-23 [spongemonkey]: yeah, tommy was [Wind fish]s little sisters chinchilla, but she didnt pay attention to it so [Wind fish] gave it to [peregrinhe] round april and amy still hasnt noticed, I just take care of him and play with him, his cage is in my room. 

2004-06-23 [*oi!*]: it was amy's and she still doesn't notice it missing? thats sad lol

2004-06-23 [deleted, gone]: very sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-23 [*oi!*]: I want nalani's rat to have her babies....I can't wait

2004-06-24 [bac787]: Aww... Thats so sweet... I wish mine would have babies... lol

2004-06-24 [bac787]: ... Galahad is about 1 1/2, and it is starting to show a bit... He seems to be having a harder time climbing in his cage (Three story cage), so I think I may change him and Socrates around... Socrates won't be happy.

2004-06-26 [bac787]: I found 3 baby mice wondering around in the middle of the street! My dog pointed them out to me, she could hear them squeeking. I couldn't just leave them there... so now I have 3 baby mice I am trying to raise... They have been squeeking all night, so I guess that is a good sign!

2004-06-27 [spongemonkey]: GAH!!! december is chewing on feburays ears, and feburary is barbering decemmber!!! EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-28 [bac787]: All three mice died... *sniffles* I tried to save them but it didn't work. Its better then being drowned or run over though. :(

2004-06-28 [spongemonkey]: oh, I'm sorry the same thing happened to 6 rabbits of mine *huggles* I know how it feels.

2004-06-29 [deleted, gone]: *huggs all* im sorry  and yes rabbits how a very short life sadly

2004-06-29 [spongemonkey]: *raises eyebrow* they lived two days.

2004-06-30 [deleted, gone]: your rabbits???

2004-06-30 [spongemonkey]: yup.

2004-06-30 [*oi!*]: I tryed to save 2 mice before but they both got away lol I really didn't have any place to put them when I found I just have 4 mice I bought at the pet store

2004-06-30 [*oi!*]: hey do any of you think I should change my wiki page to rat pack or something like that? rats unite is so original lol....what do you guys think?

2004-06-30 [spongemonkey]: sounds fine to me!!

2004-06-30 [spongemonkey]: the rat pack I mean.

2004-07-01 [bac787]: I like Rat Pack! :)

2004-07-01 [bac787]: I have had rabbits in the past that lived to be 6+ years...

2004-07-01 [spongemonkey]: thats good!!

2004-07-01 [*oi!*]: okay I think I'll change it to rat pack

2004-07-02 [spongemonkey]: Yay!!!

2004-07-02 [*oi!*]: if you type in rat pack it will come up and look exactly like this....we can all start talking in there if you guys want to

2004-07-03 [spongemonkey]: alright.

2004-07-08 [deleted, gone]: no no nikki just go to edit page and in tittle of page type in rat pack

2004-07-08 [*oi!*]: thats what I did but it didn't change this one it only made another one

2004-07-08 [*oi!*]: hey guys we have a new sister wiki it's called rat lovers united

2004-07-08 [deleted, gone]: hmm odd

2004-07-09 [spongemonkey]: I'll have to see that one...

2004-07-10 [deleted, gone]: its the same thing

2004-07-11 [spongemonkey]: well, duh. but still.

2004-07-11 [*oi!*]: lol

2004-07-11 [bac787]: lol... I'm very confused... where are we supposta be talking at?

2004-07-11 [spongemonkey]: I dunno.

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: Rats are aresome!!! ^^^

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: yeah they are!

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: I had some...

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: so did I...

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: :P

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: that was random

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: yeah, it was.

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: random is good though

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: mhmmmmmmm

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: i am new.... i love rats!!!!!! hehe yay

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: we all love rats!

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: hehe well i figured that! but i thought i would kinda throw it in there

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: did you see the link to the sister site?

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: yup yup, i think i shall join

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: ccol thanks!

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: cool

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: yeah that's what I meant

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: cool hi again!!

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: yeah!

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: hehe i joined!!! yay for me!!

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: fun

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: yeah!

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: do you like cats Caly?

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: me? yes i have 2 cats, i love them too

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: well then...we

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: go to obsessed with cats

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: okie dokie!!

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: yay!

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: cool!

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: dude!!! this creep just....

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: huh?

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: sorry, venting

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: bleh, i feel your pain

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: yeah. I hate that in creeps

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: uh...

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: aaahhh the obsessed with cats is confusing me!!!!!!

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: (well confusing me is not too hard...)

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: I haven't even had time to get over there! I have too many messages and crap!

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: oh yeah

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: yeah

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: ..... neays

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: soooooooo...... hows your spleen?

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: spleeny, yours?

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: why are we talking about spleens in a rat chat?

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: wouldn't know.

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: ok then...whatever works!

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: um, how about rat spleens?? teehee

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: well...I dunno...this ain't my wiki

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: hehe

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: I am going to sleep now... gnight

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: nite nite!!

2004-07-12 [spongemonkey]: hi!!!!

2004-07-12 [bac787]: hello!

2004-07-12 [*oi!*]: hey everyone

2004-07-12 [Calypso22]: hiya!

2004-07-12 [deleted, gone]: hey hey! cake?

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